Friday, June 8, 2012

Pink Saturday Baking and a Mailing

I haven't been able to participate in Pink Saturday for a while but I do like to visit other participants.

Those of you who follow my blog know that Beverly from How Sweet The Sound the gracious host of Pink Saturday won my Giveaway last week which was 1 dozen of my decorated sugar cookies.  You can see more at my Etsy shop SweetCreations by Judi.
Beverly told me her favourite colours were yellow and of course PINK I thought it would be only fitting to participate THIS Saturday.
Its been a busy Pink kind of week actually.  I baked cookies...decorated pink ones for a little baby girl's shower. 

It was a "Foodie" type of shower and the request was for teapots....
I packaged some of the teapots because they will be favours guests will take home...
and cupcakes some with sprinkles....
and sweet little cakes....
and I added an extra cookie...a  Pink Carriage.

I also made some Cake Pops for another event..see there are some pink ones...
and I  baked Beverly's cookies which are going into the mail on Saturday.  Which leads me to the next subject.

I have to tell you U.S. postal service is quicker AND less expensive than in Canada.   We take advantage of U.S. postal service when we order online.  When I go to the Rockledge cottage in NY State each weekend I never know what someone in my family has ordered that I'll be taking back across the border.

I've been greeted with a huge dog crate, gun holsters (for my policeman son), Wii games, book on how to build a bat house, tape for taping the doberman's ears, batteries for whatever, military sleeping bags, a fancy shaver, camping stoves to name a few.....
Now I wanted to show you what Beverly won at my Giveaway...Pink.....well...I CAN'T show you right now because she might be peeking...but I can show you the outside of the box and the PINK on it which will go into the mail tomorrow morning.  I hope you enjoy your cookies Beverly.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend....Judi xoxo


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Judi,
Oh my, your cookies are the sweetest things! I LOVE the teapots and cupcakes. And the baby carriage, is just too cute! You must have a such fun making them. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a nice comment about my magazine feature. I really appreciated it. Happy Pink Saturday and have a splendid weekend.


Lorraine said...

Hi Judi--You are a master baker, those cookies are adorable!! And I'll bet they are yummy! Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday!! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

I have not visited with you in "forever"! How are you?!! I saw your "Cranberry Blossom" over on Beverly's and came right over.

What awesome, beautiful and precious cookies. Wow! I'm so impressed! And cake pops? That's neat too.

The box you're sending is neat. And what you've picked up for distribution is funny . . . gotta love it.

Hope you get to stop by and say hey. I'm posting w/Stephanie for the Wedding Party Blog and then joined Beverly for Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Hugs! Jenn

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


These cookies are lovely!


Chubskulit Rose said...

Such sweet treats!

My PINK, have a nice weekend.

Julie said...

Your cookies are adorable and I want to eat a few right this minute!!! You are so talented and creative, Judi! WOWZERS!!!
I appreciate you so are one of a kind and thanks for sharing all you do on your blog!!! Have a grand weekend, Judi!!!
xoxo- Julie

C'est moi Claudette said...

And I KNOW that Beverly will LOVE THEM ALL Judi. I know how they taste and oh yummy. They are TDF.
Sister just shared her last one with my friend Isabelle yesterday. She gave her the present. So sweet of her.
Happy weekend my friend. It's a pool day today.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

The cookie are so pretty. I'm not a baker at all
Hope you have a Happy PS

Theresa said...

Your cookies are too pretty to eat but OK, I will eat a few:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

Adorable cookies!!
Greetings from Australia♥

Austine Etcheverry said...

Your cookies look delicious.

Retirement Bliss

Again its been quite some time since I have found the time to write on my Blog.  Its great to have you stop by and I welcome your comment. ...