Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Bunny At Our House....

On the weekend we were surprised to see a bunny sitting outside Bob and Georgia's house.  We saw him through the kitchen window.  He jumped on over our way and past our wheel barrow herb garden but he was moving so quickly I couldn't get his picture.

Then settled in front of the diningroom/livingroom area where we'd been having breakfast.
And he just sat there apparently admiring the view of the lake.
Probably looking at the boats out there on this beautiful morning.

Then he must have felt my presence as I snapped pictures of him.
So he had a better look at me...
and then jumped along around the deck and we lost sight of him.

I adore bunnies.... Do you have them in your yard?  Have a great day.... Judi xoxo


Theresa said...

I sure do have a bunny in my yard! He hops across the driveway from one side of the woods to the other:) He makes me smile! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Judi, how sweet! You know I never seen any bunnies around where we live. Course I don't know if they like the beach - probably not! ;)
You have a great weekend too.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

C'est moi Claudette said...

How cool. Nope, none here or any other type of wild life. I think with Pepper our German Sheperd, nothing but birds want to come to the cottage. We did adopt many bunnies, but we don't have any left.
Hoppy weekend Judi.

Antiques And Teacups said...

LOVE your wonderful cookies! So cute! We had a bunny last week on the front porch. Opened the front door to get the paper in the morning and there was a bunny just sitting there watching us. Good thing my cat didn't see him! This looked like someones's pet, so hope it got back home. Happy PS!

Retirement Bliss

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