Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tic...Toc...Another Drawer Clock...

I've gone dry.  I don't know what to write about.  Its the new year and I look to a few pictures I've taken and don't know what to say.  As a matter of fact I have a lot of projects waiting in cue for when I get really inspired.  At work I think of projects I'll work on when I get home but at home its not happening.  Its probably because work has been very busy this month.

But I did think you might be interested in the latest drawer clock I made for Janet and Ryan for Christmas.  Their last name is Williams and I added 4 "W"s representing them and each of their 2 little guys.
Janet likes quotes on family and I was happy to find this one.  The clocks are made from drawers that I like to spray paint with a sand/stone textured paint. I use ModgePodge also and they are fun to make .  Each one I make gives me new ideas for when I might make the next one. 
The first 2 I made were for my sons for their birthdays in April and May.  If you follow my blog you may remember.  Tic Toc.... and I have some more drawers on cue too....waiting to be transformed into clocks.

Hope you have had an inspired day... Judi xoxo   


Julie said...

Beautiful, Judi!!! They will be so lucky to have your gorgeous creations!!!!

Julie said...

Oh...I DID have an inspired day...I quit my job!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judi! Oh, I love your clock and I'm sure the Ws did too! You really are so talented. I understand about not having a lot of ideas for blogging. I'm kinda like that right now too.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Theresa said...

I DO remember and I ADORE those clocks! I think we are all having a bit of blogger's block:) Hope we get back in the groove! BIG HUGS!!!!!

Nancy McCarroll said...

That drawer clock is darling! Good on you for making such an attractive gift, and so personalized.

C'est moi Claudette said...

BYW... I've gone dry too lately ; (

Retirement Bliss

Again its been quite some time since I have found the time to write on my Blog.  Its great to have you stop by and I welcome your comment. ...