Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cottage Thursday Tablescape

This is the first time I've joined Susan from Between Naps on the Porch Thursday Tablescape. She so graciously brings an abundance of bloggers together for a tablescape. Be sure to visit....

I hadn't intended to show this as a tablescape I just loved the colours together. We were having a fish dinner at the cottage when Marc's daughter Janet was coming over for dinner last Friday with Jack.

It was a casual dinner and I put out the bright summery striped placemats I'd purchased recently. They go so well with the glasses we drank our iced water or iced tea from. The dishes we have are stoneware by Corningware in a reddy chili colour and yellow peppery colour. When we set them out we coordinate each person's place setting using a mix of the 2 colours.

I know some of you say "oh no...not faux" but I couldn't resist when I found these 2 bunches of "pick me up faux flowers" at the Dollar Store. Then I added a third little sprig of blue. I couldn't resist they were sooo pretty. I'll tell you in another post about the "real flowers" in the glass vase beside the faux flowers.

We were having clam chowder in the mugs and I normally could use the bread plates under the mugs. I didn't though and Jack didn't mind. He just gave us one of his favourite smiles.

Wasn't it a beautiful day with the lovely blue lake in the background? The windsock was barely moving just enough for a gentle breeze.

I hope you've been having a lovely day...

Judi xoxo


ReneƩ's Reproductions said...

your table setting looks so pretty! what a beautiful view at your home! gorgeous!

SmilingSally said...

I love the colors. I use faux flowers too. Sometimes they look quite real, and besides, Shelia says we can love 'em.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

congrats on your first! I love your table, the checked cloth and the colors are so bright and cottagey. Great Job! Cindy

Designs on 47th Street said...

I enjoyed your first Tablescape. You did a great job. It is so pretty and what a gorgeous view! You and I were on the same wave length with our colors! Fun!!

Amelia said...

What a bright and cheerful table setting!!! It looks perfect for a summers day spent with family! Hope you have a great day! Smiles:0)!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a lovely table setting! I love the color combo....

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Judi,
what a pretty setting and the view-
Ohh, I wish I was there taking it all in.

Cottage Rose said...

I just loved the colors of your table setting, and the beautiful back ground of the lake, how perfect. And your faux flowers are so pretty... thanks for sharing.

Have a great Fri.


Kim's Treasures said...

I love your bright and cheery colors!!!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

This is such a cheerful setting - inside and out. I love the bright colors on your table, and I think your faux flowers look great. What a cutie Jack is. laurie

Julie said...

Thanks for telling me these dishes are actually favorite of all times!!! These are in my fav colors too! I must go shopping! Love that striped tablecloth as well! Gorgeous, I tell ya!!!!!

Jenny Froh said...

Oh, I love your table!!! It's so cheery!!!

Retirement Bliss

Again its been quite some time since I have found the time to write on my Blog.  Its great to have you stop by and I welcome your comment. ...