Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Abby and Greenies

Abby loves her Greenies and this is her favourite flavour.

She also loves to be brushed and looks so lovely when I've combed (or pulled out) all those growly bits of fur that need to come out. We do it in one place on a little mat in front of the sink in the kitchen. She'll be quite patient periodically taking a little break and walking around the kitchen returning to the exact spot for more. This goes on over and over throughout the process.

After I brush her sitting up I lay her on one side and the other side and she loves her little belly combed and brushed too.

Then I use the brush to smoothe everything into place. She looks so soft and pretty when we're done.

Abby knows she gets Greenies when we're all done. I'll ask her if she wants her Greenies and she'll come right in front of me and sit down and wait. I hold a Greenie up in front of her as I sit on the floor. She sits right up on her own and holds on to my hand with both paws gently taking the treat from my hand. It was hard to show you brushing with my left hand so I could take the picture with my right hand but I think you can see it. I try to brush her every day and it isn't a long or tedious process.

Cute eh? She's momma's good little girl. We do love our little fur babies don't we?

I know I've told you that her favourite sleeping position is sprawled out on her back....well she loves her little belly rubbed then too....

Hope you are having a lovely day.... Judi xoxo


Anonymous said...

Oh Judi, I just love seeing your beautiful little Abby! How wonderful that she loves to be brushed and then she gets her little treats! I can tell she is your joy!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Well isn't Abby looking rather pretty today. Hope she enjoyed her greenie!

Darlene said...

Abby is just so beautiful. I'm surprised she even lets you comb her tummy easily. Our kitten (well, she is almost a year old now) Midnight, likes to have her tummy rubbed and scratched but she is the only cat we have ever had that has liked it. Awwww, and she just loves her Greenies....CUTE!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a sweety pie!

You asked when we are moving...we don't close on the house until the end of this month and then we need to paint and do some repairs...so not until end of Sept...

Janet said...

What a good Cat mom you are! I have never given my cats Greenies, perhaps I should treat them. I do grow catnip for them in a planter hanging on the side of the house ( where they can't access it, obviously) and then give it to them as "salad". Makes 3 of the 4 happy. For some reason Sophie doesn't find it appealing.

SmilingSally said...

I've never seen a cat do that.

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