from this arrangement...
and here

and here

and even a Moow Cow Tassel

and I have had a little help

she helped choose the birdie

When her work was done she went up to take a better view...a bird's eye view..

naughty kitty she's not allowed up there!!.. but she is so darn cute... I feel badly because tomorrow morning I am bringing her into work and at the Vet Tech program they'll "fix' her. She'll have to spend the night there. Abby has been in heat once since I got her....so better to get that over with. I'll miss her until I bring her back on Friday. Poor kitty.....
I do hope that you have a lovely day... Judi xoxo
Very pretty tassels! have alot of extra ribbon and this looks like a great project!
I love your tassles! I need to get motivated to make some too!
Hi Judi! You're very good at making these tassels. I still want to try my hand at them but probably won't be able to make them as pretty as yours. You see I don't have a little helper like yours! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Love, love, love the cow!! :) And my kitty always gets on the shelf above the washer even though he knows he's not supposed to!
You are the tassel-to-beat lady!
Pretty pretty tassels. I especially like the one on your header!
You did very nice work! Now, I know where your header came from ☺.
Good luck to Abby. I'm sure you'll miss her, but she'll be home soon!
take care,
love this post! welcome to blogspot!!!! good to have you!
thanks for the visit..I have been a away a fair bit...and would have lost you for sure!
Your sweet Abby-girl must be a STAR! Our kitty paws would be marching through the house with bird feathers in their cheeks!
:) They're beautiful~
Have a great day!
Hi Judi! Thanks for coming by. Those tassles are so cute!
Look at sweet Abby. She'll feel so much better once she's been spayed, and it's so much healthier for them too. I know you'll miss her but that one night will be over soon :0)
Oh. When I restored my hinges I didn't want to use harsh chemicals or paint thinner because I didn't know what the chemicals would/could do to the hinges being that they were so old (55 years). So I got online and used a method where you put water in a big pot (one you'll never use again), pour some baking soda and set to simmer. Place your hinges in the water and let them "simmer and spa" for a while. I'd pull one out every 20mins or so and rub some paint off. The most time it took, on the most stubborn hinges was over 2 hours of soaking, scrubbing, soaking and buffing. I used old tongs to handle them, used old rags to shine them up and some ultra fine steel wool to scrape off those last remnants of paint. Here's the original post about the hinges and directions...
Hope it works for you too!
Your tassels are beautiful!
I will keep Abby in my prayers for a fast, easy surgery. She will be so happy to be going home when you pick her up on Friday. We had Midnight de-clawed and fixed at the same time. It has now been about four weeks and the only evidence is her shaved tummy fur still growing back in.
I really like the look of your new blog. Your tassels are just beautiful! Abby is a darling. Everything will go OK. If you are like me you will call 250 times and drive the vet crazy until she's back home again :>)
You are talented! Beautiful tassels. And Abby obviously thinks you are wonderful for making all of them for her. :-)
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